
The Thousandth Floor by Katherine McGee

Bout of Books 17.0 Wrap-Up!

Bout of Books 17.0 - Day 4, 5 and 6 Update!

Lydia: The Wild Girl of Pride and Prejudice by Natasha Farrant was whimsical and enchanting!

In which I challenge myself to step outside of my (bookish) comfort zone

Bout of Books 17.0 - Day 2 & Day 3 Update

Is Bad Magic by Pseudonymous Bosch a new favourite? I THINK YES.

Bout of Books 17.0 - Day 1 Update!

Bout of Books 17.0 TBR Pile! - Time to read ALL THE BOOKS

Review for Dominion by John Connolly and Jennifer Ridyard: In which I screech at you to read this epic sci-fi trilogy IMMEDIATELY