My Rating System

I've also decided to include the following as SO MANY TIMES I've read a book that I've read reviews on and they hadn't mentioned upsetting content or excessive swearing and explicit content so I thought I would start including that in my reviews!

Such as trigger warnings:

Which I put in my reviews in case there's anything that might be upsetting to a reader (e.g, drugs/abuse/violence etc)

As well as other content that readers might like to be warned about: 

Such as language, sexual content, blasphemy etc. Also, because I am a Christian, I have also decided to include: spiritual content and LGBTQIA+ content. 

Disclaimer: The reason for this being that many times I have read a book and felt quite uncomfortable with what a book has contained, be it due to my Christian beliefs or for personal reasons, and would have appreciated the reviews I'd read highlighting what a book contains. I mean no offence, it's just what I personally as a reader would have liked to see and maybe others would also want to see.💖


Previously, I just had the normal 1-5 rating but then I read certain books and my feels were all over the place and these books left me confuzzled and indecisive hence the making of more rating options because sometimes I just can't get my thoughts on a book in order, ya know?

Also, I thought I'd use pink cupcakes because I love pink and they're cupcakes and who doesn't like cupcakes? 

This was a fantastic novel that if I could, I would buy everyone a copy. You know the ones that have you flailing and crying and laughing hysterically and the ones which make you get weird looks from people? Ja, those.

These books are books that are better than four cupcakes but not an absolutele favourite. They were also spectacular but lacking that one thing that prevented me from giving them full marks. Ha. I feel like a teacher for saying that.

These books are four cupcakes, they're better than average but not my favourite.

Ah, these books. You know, the quite difficult ones to place (and the reason I created this new rating system)? They're better than "meh" but they're not good enough for 4 cupcakes and they can be quite hard to review because you just end up being completely on the fence about them.

These books can be a right pain to review sometimes, as your overall feeling is meh. Just, meh. You don't love it, you don't hate it. You just read it and you literally have no idea how you feel about it because it was completely and utterly average.


This book wasn't that great. I disliked it but was leaning more towards mixed feelings then pure dislike.

This book was kinda bad, not bad enough to be a 1, but nearly. It had some, if very few, redeeming qualities. 
These kind of books are almost a one. Meaning I came very near to flinging this book in exasperation. Very near.

             This book and I didn't get along, at all. My review will probably contain a lot of ranting and GIFs because of that.   

 DNF (did not finish)
         I rarely DNF a book, but this book was an exception.
I didn't like it. At all. Much eye-rolling occurred.

So, that's my rating system! Also, I did not design the cupcake itself, it's a free clipart image that I found on this website, which I used to create my rating system!