(Her name is Hermione, if you were wondering.)

This is literally one of the best days of my life.
The libraries in England are AMAZING and they have SO MANY GOOD BOOKS and I've had to wait nearly 3 months for this moment because we just couldn't find a house that would allow us to bring our dogs over from South Africa but WE HAVE A HOUSE! CAKE FOR ALL!
Our furniture arrived from South Africa on Thursday and it's so wonderful having some familiar stuff around, we are only renting though so I'm not looking forward to packing everything back up in 6 months or a year or whenever!
I nearly had a heart attack because a whole books was supposed to come but IT NEVER CAME and, as you can imagine, I promptly started bawling because MY BABIES but after we consulted the list, it looks like the moving people never included it with the stuff even though they were supposed to, so now the one box of books that was supposed to come over is now sitting in storage with the rest of my 8 boxes. Meh.
I can't decorate my room exactly how I want yet though because I need to have a new carpet fitted because they previous tenants had this awful green carpet fitted in the bedroom I chose so I'm getting a cream carpet fitted next Friday and then the decorating shall commence!
I can't wait to get more bookshelves (luckily my room came with one fitted - YASSS) and make it feel like home. The bottom shelf contains my library books!
ALSO I'M REALLY EXCITED because one of my best friends who I haven't seen since I left England is visiting for 2 days - SQUEE!
Anyway, I'm super excited to show you which books I got at the library! There were SO MANY MORE I wanted to take out but I know I'm not going to have a lot of time to read the next week or so. My self-control was just on point today.
Library Books:
The Wonders of the Universe - Brian Cox | The New Astronomy Guide - Patrick Moore | Physics for Dummies - Steven Holzner | Collins Need to Know? Universe - Peter Grego | Talon - Julia Kagawa | Seraphina - Rachel Hartman | The Mission - Allen Zadoff (NEARLY DIED WHEN I SAW THIS THERE) | The Originals - Cat Patrick
Which one should I read first? (One of life's most perplexing questions, if you answer I'll sprinkle you with fairy dust and cupcakes) Have you read any of these? Do you ever go to the library? Is your library card your best friend (mine certainly is!)? Let me know!