What I've Been Reading #41 - I hit a mini reading slump...but I'M BACK


July was such a good reading month for me! I was reading books like there was no tomorrow...and then I hit a slump. 😫

I don't want to speak too soon...but I think I'm getting over it now? I HOPE SO. At least I have audiobooks which are practically a lifesaver. 

Seeking CrystalBeauty SleepCircle of Shadows (Circle of Shadows, #1)Sea Witch Rising (Sea Witch, #2)Charlie Bone & The Shadow Of Badlock 7 (Children Of The Red King)

Seeking Crystal - ⭐.5 | Beauty Sleep - ⭐.5 | Circle of Shadows - ⭐ | Sea Witch Rising - ⭐.5 | Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock - ⭐.5

It appears that I read more than I thought I did! Although I didn't finish any books the first week of August, I did read quite a few last week. Seeking Crystal and Circle of Shadows I listened to on audiobook - they were great! I got Beauty Sleep and Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock from the library. They were both so good! I only have one Charlie Bone book left to read - I'm going to miss this series! I also read my e-arc of Sea Witch Rising. It was good, but I didn't love it as much as the first book, sadly! 

Siege (Special Forces Cadets #1)Saving Death

I'm currently listening to Siege - it's really good! I also started reading Saving Death. I've been in the mood for a paranormal romance, so I'm looking forward to reading more of this! 

American RoyalsField Notes on LoveAmy & Roger's Epic Detour

I need to read more contemporaries this summer! I want to read a few over the next few weeks. It's already feeling like autumn, so I need to get all the summery books in! 

What books did you read this week? Have you read any of these?