GUYS. I’M TWENTY. I started this blog when I was 13...and now I’m out of my teen years? WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?! I'm, like, an actual adult now?
I thought in honour of turning 20, I would do a series of posts this week: The first one being my top 20 all-time favourite books!
I’ve been reading for 15 years now, so I have quite a few favourite books. It’s going to be quite tough choosing the top 20, so WISH ME LUCK.
I’ve been reading for 15 years now, so I have quite a few favourite books. It’s going to be quite tough choosing the top 20, so WISH ME LUCK.
1. Matilda by Roald Dahl
This is one of the first books I can remember reading and thinking “Wow. This book is for me. I couldn’t relate to her abysmal parents and awful headmistress, nor her ability to move objects with her mind...but I could relate to her love of books, reading and the library. Matilda got me. It’s also the first book I ever reread more than once. I LOVEEE THIS BOOK.
This is one of the first books I can remember reading and thinking “Wow. This book is for me. I couldn’t relate to her abysmal parents and awful headmistress, nor her ability to move objects with her mind...but I could relate to her love of books, reading and the library. Matilda got me. It’s also the first book I ever reread more than once. I LOVEEE THIS BOOK.
2. I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
OH, THIS BOOK. The writing, the characters, the story, the family dynamics, THE was perfect and amazing and beautiful and I LOVE IT.
3. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
I still remember finishing this book when I was 13 and just being like “Wow. Wowowowowooooow.” - it completely blew my mind. Jandy Nelson is my ultimate writing inspiration - she’s absolutely incredible. Every sentence is a work of art. NO LIE.
3. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
I still remember finishing this book when I was 13 and just being like “Wow. Wowowowowooooow.” - it completely blew my mind. Jandy Nelson is my ultimate writing inspiration - she’s absolutely incredible. Every sentence is a work of art. NO LIE.
4. Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy
Sarcastic. Twisty. Absolutely freaking amazing. I love this series so much. The characters, the plot, the writing, the sentimental value it holds...I adore this series.
5. Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
OH MY GOSHHHH. I’m obsessed with this book. I read it two years ago and then read it again. That book holds a piece of my heart. Almost every page has a tab, every page is a work of art...I loveee it so much.

OH MY GOSHHHH. I’m obsessed with this book. I read it two years ago and then read it again. That book holds a piece of my heart. Almost every page has a tab, every page is a work of art...I loveee it so much.
6. Anne of Green Gables L.M. Montgomery
One of the first classics I ever read. I remember reading this when I was ten and falling completely in love with it. I reread it five years later in the South African sun and fell in love all over again. Anne is the most amazing character, and I just love the story so, so much.
7. The Summer trilogy by Jenny Han
One of the first classics I ever read. I remember reading this when I was ten and falling completely in love with it. I reread it five years later in the South African sun and fell in love all over again. Anne is the most amazing character, and I just love the story so, so much.
7. The Summer trilogy by Jenny Han
I binge read this trilogy in three days. I was completely sucked into the world. I loved the plot, the characters, the romance, the writing. It was absolutely AMAZING...I’ll have to do a reread soon.
8. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
8. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
Two words: WILL HERONDALE. Oh, be still my heart. This trilogy is knock-your-socks off and blow-your-mind kind of fantastic. The story line is incredible: Victorian steampunk London featuring half-human, half-angel Shadowhunters who fight to protect the world. The characters are amazing. The romance is EVERYTHING, and the writing is EXQUISITE. I liked The Mortal Instruments but’s on a whole other level.
9. Dare You To by Katie McGarry
9. Dare You To by Katie McGarry
I remember reading this after my GCSE exams and completely devouring it. I couldn’t put it down. Katie McGarry is the QUEEN of writing amazing characters and heartfelt romances. I LOVED THIS BOOK.
10. Take Me On by Katie McGarry
I read this after reading Dare You To and, according to my review, I read it in one day. Seeing that it has 544 pages (the edition I read anyway), 16 year old me was quite impressed and 20-year-old-me is still impressed that I read it so quickly! I think I loved this even more than Dare You To, which is saying something.
I read this after reading Dare You To and, according to my review, I read it in one day. Seeing that it has 544 pages (the edition I read anyway), 16 year old me was quite impressed and 20-year-old-me is still impressed that I read it so quickly! I think I loved this even more than Dare You To, which is saying something.
11. Alex Rider by Anthony Horowitz
Another series that holds sentimental value. A bind-up of the first three books was the first book I bought when moving to England in August 2015, and that August I read pretty much only Alex Rider. When I was homesick and lonely, when I was excited and awestruck, when books offered a lot of comfort...those books were there through a loooot of it.
Another series that holds sentimental value. A bind-up of the first three books was the first book I bought when moving to England in August 2015, and that August I read pretty much only Alex Rider. When I was homesick and lonely, when I was excited and awestruck, when books offered a lot of comfort...those books were there through a loooot of it.
The only series I’ve reread in its entirety. I’m sure most of you have read these, and if not...what are you waiting for?! They are hilarious, feature brilliant characters, intriguing story lines, and Percabeth - READ IT.
13. If I Stay by Gayle Forman
GAYLE FORMAN’S BOOKS ARE AMAZING. My reading experiences of her books are ones that I remember quite vividly! I remember reading If I Stay on a Friday night and staying up until 1am reading it and crying my little eyes out. This book was heartbreaking and hopeful and just so incredibly amazing.

GAYLE FORMAN’S BOOKS ARE AMAZING. My reading experiences of her books are ones that I remember quite vividly! I remember reading If I Stay on a Friday night and staying up until 1am reading it and crying my little eyes out. This book was heartbreaking and hopeful and just so incredibly amazing.
14. Illuminae & Gemina by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman
THE PLOT TWISTS. THE CHARACTERS. THE ROMANCE. EVERYTHING. I love this series so freaking much. It’s one heck of a ride, I’ll tell you that much. I haven’t read Obsidio yet (I’M SCARED OKAY)...but I have no doubt it’s going to be just as amazing.
THE PLOT TWISTS. THE CHARACTERS. THE ROMANCE. EVERYTHING. I love this series so freaking much. It’s one heck of a ride, I’ll tell you that much. I haven’t read Obsidio yet (I’M SCARED OKAY)...but I have no doubt it’s going to be just as amazing.

15. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
No surprise here - TFiOS is one of my favourite books. This book made me feel all the feelings. The writing was incredible, as were the characters, the plot and the romance. It was so good. 
16. Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne
16. Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne
THIS BOOK. Wow. It captures anxiety so accurately, it hurts. The characters are so authentic and lovable. The anxiety representation is INCREDIBLE. Pleeeeease read this book. It’s so good.
17. Emma by Jane Austen
17. Emma by Jane Austen
I’d only read one Jane Austen book before this one and I wasn’t a fan, so I was quite skeptical of starting this. BUT I LOVED IT. MR. KNIGHTLEYYYY!!! 

I really appreciate the insight with which Jane Austen writes her characters. They’re so incredibly well-written. I loved the plot, the romance and the writing in this too. It was PERFECT. 
18. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Ooh, another classic. Look at me being all literary. I read this when I was 16 and was completely enchanted by it. It’s a beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL book. I love it a lot.
19. Divergent by Veronica Roth
This is another series that holds really special memories for me. It was one of the first proper YA books I read. It was one of the first books I was sent to review. It features one of my first book boyfriends. I absolutely loved Divergent. I know a lot of people were mad about how Allegiant ended, but I still loved the book, and this trilogy will always hold a very special place in my heart.
20. Wonder by R.J. Palacio
This is another series that holds really special memories for me. It was one of the first proper YA books I read. It was one of the first books I was sent to review. It features one of my first book boyfriends. I absolutely loved Divergent. I know a lot of people were mad about how Allegiant ended, but I still loved the book, and this trilogy will always hold a very special place in my heart.
20. Wonder by R.J. Palacio
I remember getting this book to review, reading it and falling completely in love. It’s so heartwarming, so tender, so’s a truly incredible book. I gave it to my mom to read immediately after I read it, and she stayed up the whole night reading it. She also absolutely loved it. I LOVE THIS BOOK. A reread is definitely in order!
Although there are maaaany more amazing books I’ve read, these are my top favourites.
Although there are maaaany more amazing books I’ve read, these are my top favourites.
Do any of these hold a special place in your heart?