2018 Reading Challenges I'm Participating In: Beat the Backlist ft. The books on my shelf I'm making a priority to read in 2018

I LOVE READING CHALLENGES. DON'T YOU LOVE READING CHALLENGES?! Each year I sign up to, like, three challenges; however, I always forget to keep track of them so I'm only signing up to one this year (well, 2, if you count the Goodreads challenge).

This year I REALLY want to try to read as many books from my shelf as possible, and luckily, most of those are backlist books as they were published before 2018 - so I get to participate in this challenge! YAY!

I'm not going to set a specific goal for this, but I'm going to read mainly books from my own TBR shelf that have been sitting there for awhile. I'M EXCITED TO CONQUER THE TBR MOUNTAIN. 

Although I'm not setting a specific TBR or a specific amount of books I'm hoping to read, there are several backlist books that I'm making a priority to get to this year. They are all review copies, and they are all books I'm incredibly excited to read! 

The Books:

Some of these I've only had on my TBR for three months but others have been on here a lot longer. These eight books are my top priority to get to in 2018!

Also, I'm on the Dewey Dragons team (if you were wondering)!

Are you participating in any reading challenges? Which ones? Have you read any of these books? What backlist book will you make a priority to get to in 2018?