I hope you are well!
On Saturday I also got a bookcase! A BILLY bookcase which is the bookcase I've been wanting forever. It looks so pretty and I'm so happy with it! My parents also surprised me with all of Ed Sheeran's CDs which made me SOOO HAPPY because I LOVE Ed Sheeran and I've been wanting to get his CDs for 500 years, practically, so THAT WAS AWESOME.
If you need me I'll be in front of my bookcase, staring at it because IT'S SO PRETTY. #proudmom
Persepolis was heartbreaking, it was humorous, it was personal and political. It taught me so much about the Iranian revolution - it made me laugh and it made me cry. I'd highly recommend it!
BONE GAP. HOLY FREAKING HECK. THIS BOOK. I LOVED IT. THE WRITING, THE CHARACTERS, THE MAGICAL REALISM, THE ROMANCE, THE MESSAGE IT SENT....I just can't even. I need to write a review on it and I literally don't know how I'm going to write a coherent review. Or one that does it justice. BECAUSE IT'S SO INCREDIBLE and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I want to reread it right now. Can I do that? I probably shouldn't but...#yolo.
I haven't had a chance to start a new book today, oops. But I think I might go reread some of Bone Gap because it's brilliant.
Two diverse reads that I'm SUPER excited for! One is set in Afghanistan and the other in China, I've never read books with that setting before so EXCUSE ME WHILE I FLAIL.