HELLO EVERYONE! I'm on holiday for a week which means lots of blogging, reading and guitar. YAY! My last 3 reads have been amazing but ALL OF THEM have made me cry. But I'm okay. I think.

I then started reading More of Me as I was hoping to meet the author on Saturday (I didn't, unfortunately, but I did meet a few other authors - I should have a post up on that soon!). I read this book in a day or so and it was SO GOOD. It was incredibly thought-provoking and quite chilling at times but oh so brilliant! I cried, though. A lot.
I'm currently reading this! I'm only two chapters in and the writing is very light-hearted for such a dark situation but I really like that! It hasn't got the best reviews though but hopefully I end up loving it!
As I have so many library books out, I have a lot of books I can read next! I'll probably read Red Glove by Holly Black or The Darkest Part of the Forest!
Have you read any of these? Which book should I read next? Let me know your thoughts!