What I've Been Reading (is that even what I called it? I can't even remember) is a post thingy that was inspired by Book Journey's "It's Monday! What are you reading?" that I began writing back when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. I always love seeing what you guys have been reading, what books you've been liking and what books you've been disliking and I thought doing this post every now and then might invite some discussion on what we've all been reading! YAY!
HELLO! I hope you guys are all having a wonderful week so far! I'm extremely happy as it was 32 degrees here in England today. WHAT?! IS THIS EVEN THE UK?! As you know I moved from South Africa to England last year and I miss the heat and sun SO MUCH, so any time the weather resembles that I get super happy because SUN.
I also got braces last week and I didn't run out of the orthodontist's room screaming like I thought I might. It's my 5th day with them and apart from a bit of sensitivity I haven't had much pain - THANK GOODNESS. I've had 3 orthodontic plates before getting my braces so my teeth are A LOT straighter than they were (they were really bad...someday I might get over my embarrassment and show some pictures!) so I'm pretty sure if I got braces straight away I would've had a lot more pain!
I've also been getting back into my art lately which is MUCHLY WONDERFUL. After seeing Joy's pictures of her Wreck This Journal, it inspired me to dig mine out of my closet and wreck it...except I haven't properly wrecked it yet BUT I'LL GET THERE. HERE ARE SOME PICTURES.
I also received two wonderful art books from Abrams & Chronicle that I'm super excited to start using! Pictures? IF YOU INSIST.
I've read quite a few good books since the last time I did this post and I shall now tell you about them, YAS. SO! I finished Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen today and I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Fun fact: I read 2 Sarah Dessen books and I just couldn't see the fuss but because pretty much everybody loves her books I was like oneeee more time, so I read Lock & Key and What Happened to Goodbye and I LOVED THEM SO, SO MUCH. So I had high hopes for Saint Anything and they were 100% met. Yay.
I have also discovered a fantastic new sci-fi trilogy! The Chronicles of the Invaders trilogy by John Connolly and Jennifer Ridyard.
I picked up the first book, Conquest, on whim and I totally wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did but PLOT TWISTS! LOL MOMENTS! AWESOME CHARACTERS! ALIENS! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Also, after finishing the second book last week, I desperately needed the third book but none of the libraries in my county had it. Oh, the horror. I then checked on Amazon but it was pretty expensive on there so I was like whelp, I'll just have to wait until my library gets it or I have some spending money to get it AND THEN GUESS WHAT?! Guess. Last night I thought I'd go on Netgalley and browse the YA titles and guess what book was there? YES. The third book!!! I immediately requested it and I seriously thought I wasn't going to be accepted but I GOT IT AND I'M STARTING IT AS SOON AS I'VE FINISHED THESE THREE ARCS AND I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED. FLAIL WITH ME.

I also read Love Letters to the Dead which I wasn't really a fan of. I wanted to love it but I never fully warmed to the characters, the writing was *slightly* too metaphorical for my liking and nothing. happened. Perhaps it was just me and not the book though!
Next I'm going to start reading Lydia: The Wild Girl of Pride and Prejudice by Natasha Farrant which sounds SO ADORABLE. Once I finish that I'll read What's A Girl Gotta Do? by Holly Bourne (I am so ridiculously excited for this book it's not even funny anymore) and then my copy of Dear Charlie by N.D. Gomes which I have a feeling is going to BREAK MY HEART.
Let's talk! How are you guys? Have you read any good books recently? What book do you think you'll read next? Do you enjoy painting/drawing etc? Annnnd don't you agree it's the BEST feeling when Netgalley accepts your request for a book you REALLY want?!