My exams (and blogging hiatus) are over ft. holiday TBR pile!


Gosh, I've missed reading/blogging/the blogosphere SO MUCH. I'm so happy that my exams are finally over so I can be consumed by all things bookish once more!

I finished writing my final two exams yesterday (chemistry) and the moment I walked out of the room I felt like running around screaming HALLELUJAH accompanied by I CAN READ THINGS OTHER THAN MATHS AND CHEMISTRY NOTES AGAIN, but that may have scared the other candidates so I held off until I was in the car. My poor parentals.

I had a lovely time celebrating the ends of exams. My parents and I went to Bristol and I got some pretty clothes and lipbalms (I collect lipbalms/lipgloss/lipstick, it's one of my favorite things!) and we got Nandos and I came home and took my mountain of past papers and thew them into the bin (it was incredibly satisfying, as you can imagine) and I just basked in the feeling of having no more exams. Ahh. The whole day I've been like “OH GOSH I NEED TO STUDY” and then I'm like hahaha, no I don't. I'm on a break for a few weeks and then I start A levels, so that's kind of terrifying as I've heard they're very difficult. I will remain home-schooled but I'll be getting tutors and attending a center to do my physics practicals – it's so scary to think that I'm nearing the end of school and then it's onto uni and the adult world. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?!

I'm hoping to go book shopping or library-raiding tomorrow as that's always the best way to celebrate YAS. I should probably go on a book buying ban though as I've just taken photos of my recent book haul and I nearly got crushed by all the books in the process and my wallet is crying and my bookshelves are caving which is a strong inclination I shouldn't step inside a bookstore for a while.

ALSO, I'm learning French! I created an account on Duolingo last week (which is excellent and you should totally go check it out!) and started learning French, which was a refreshing change from staring at chemistry equations for 2 hours. I got inspired to learn another language when my parents and I started watching French movies a few weeks back. It's such a wonderful language and I really hope to be fluent in it one day.

SO, my holidays are going to consist of reading, blogging, writing, music and learning French and hopefully sun (please, England?!), and, as always, I have to compile a holiday TBR (even though I barely read books I've set myself to read, I find it so fun and I clearly like deluding myself to think that this time I will read all the books on my TBR pile) – here it is!:

I'm SO EXCITED to read all of these as they look amazing, especially City of Heavenly Fire, the Splintered series and More of Me!  

 Will I get through all of these in a few weeks? Hopefully but probably not because I am not the fastest reader *le sigh* but I shall try.

If you're writing exams when do you finish? What have I missed in the blogosphere? What do you plan on doing in your summer holidays? Which book should I read first?! LET ME KNOW!