This lovely meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
I am one of those people that is absolutely terrible finishing series. I'll see a book at the library and I'll get it out, read it, realise it's a part of a series, and add it to my mental "series-to-finish" list. This year, I really, really want to try to finish some of these series and here are some of my top ones! (The book covers are the books I still need to read in order to complete the series - they will take you to its Goodreads page)
1. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
During my next holidays I'll be reading this. I wanted to read it during the holidays but then my got life got sucked up by the Skulduggery Pleasant series, which I also have yet to finish.
2. The Skulduggery Pleasany series by Derek Landy
SQUEEEE this series is SO good and I am way too emotionally attached to the characters. Apparently these two are going to leave me heartbroken. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified.
3. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
I KNOW, I KNOW. I was going to read it in the holidays but like I said, I was kind of addicted to the Skulduggery Pleasant series. BUT SOON, my friends. Sooooon.
4. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor
I read the second book last week and I loved it! I was bored out of my mind for the first 200 pages but then I fell totally in love with it. I really need this book because I am desperate to know what happens. Also, these covers are beautiful.
5. Anna and the French Kiss Trilogy/Companion Novels by Stephanie Perkins
I love love LOVE Stephanie Perkins' books and I'm sure I'll enjoy this too! I read a couple of pages a few months ago but then I put it down because I wasn't in the mood for a contemporary. I really need to pick this up soon!
6. Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
I was uncertain of reading Beautiful Creatures due to all the negative reviews I read but I loved it and I desperately want to continue the series!
7. The Books of Beginning by John Stephens

It hasn't got a cover yet, but I'm sure it will be fabulous. I LOVE this series, it's a fantastically well-written middle-grade fantasy and I highly recommend it! It's coming out this year, so hopefully I'll be able to read it and completely the trilogy.
8. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
I read Cinder two years ago and I LOVED it (it also got me out of a terrible reading slump!) and I have Scarlet and Cress that I've been meaning to read. I CAN'T WAIT TO CONTINUE THIS SERIES.
9. The Shatter Me Trilogy by Tahereh Mafi
I absolutely adored Shatter Me and I've been meaning to read the rest of the series but they don't have them at my library and they're very expensive in South Africa! I want the physical books because they're so pretty but I might have to just buy it on my Kindle!
10. The Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore
I read the first two and quite enjoyed them. I have gotten the last 3 to review and I really want to read them and complete the series soon!