Top Ten Tuesday #15 - Top Ten Books I've Read This Year

The One and Only IvanDandelion ClocksBeastly (Beastly, #1)Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)52 Reasons to Hate My FatherChase Tinker and the House of Magic (Chase Tinker, #1)The Throne of Fire (Kane Chronicles, #2)The Statistical Probability of Love at First SightDante's Girl (The Paradise Diaries, #1)Boy Nobody (Boy Nobody, #1)

These are some of the best books I've read this year! I've loved each and every one of them. From the tear-jerking The One and Only Ivan, Dandelion Clocks and Throne of Fire to the cute romantic novels such as 52 Reasons to Hate my Father, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, Dante's Girl and The Morning Gift, to the exhilarating paranormal novels such as Beastly, Beautiful Creatures and Chase Tinker and the House of Magic! :) 

Have you read any of these and did you enjoy them?