Author: Rachel Vail
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary
Publication: April 29yh 2008, Harper Collins
Pages: 233 pages, Paperback
Source: Library book
It's all good . . . and lucky Phoebe Avery plans to celebrate by throwing an end-of-the-year bash with her four closest friends. Everything will be perfect—from the guest list to the fashion photographer to the engraved invitations. The only thing left to do is find the perfect dress . . . until Phoebe goes from having it all to hiding all she's lost.Lucky has been on my wish list for a while now and when I saw it in the library the other day I almost fainted with joy. I started reading it as soon as I could and finished it in about 3 or 4 hours. This was a weird book to read, I really enjoyed it but at the same time I didn't, if that makes sense. :p The ending really tied up my feelings though which I'm happy and relieved about!
Phoebe's older sisters warn her to keep the family's crisis totally secret. Unfortunately, her alpha-girl best friend looks increasingly suspicious, and Phoebe's crush starts sending seriously mixed signals. Phoebe tries hard to keep smiling, but when her mother is humiliated in Neiman Marcus while buying Phoebe that perfect dress and her father decides to cancel her party, she panics. How far will she go to keep up her image as a lucky girl?
When I started Lucky, I was extremely excited, yet I'm sad to say it disappointed me a the beginning. The ending was just phenomenal, I was literally gawking, that's how much it surprised me and (YAY) it gained another star from me! :D
I really enjoyed the plot, it was entertaining, dramatic and just fun to read! I'm on a dystopian and contemporary kick (weird mixture, right?), and 6 out of the seven books I got at the library are contemporaries. I'm quite happy to say that this wasn't all one of the extra cheesy ones that taste more cheesy than a margherita pizza , the romance was sweet and not too dramatic. Some parts of the book were quite predictable, but others weren't, which was (literally) a nice surprise.
Let the rant begin...
Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, oh how I could not stand the beginning. Phoebe was your typical snobby, super rich girl. She never worried about anything, lived a cushy life, was pretty, popular and smart. While reading Lucky, she really annoyed me. She was really superficial, when her mom lost her job and her dad said that they would have to be careful with their money, what did Phoebe do? She threw a tantrum because now she couldn't have the dress she wanted. I was stunned, if my dad lost his job, I would literally scour the streets for a job and search the newspaper or computer 24/7 so that he would be able to work. I really thought Phoebe could've behaved a bit better, she could have been nice about it or she could've just kept calm till she got home and then have a good scream in the pillow, or go for a facial, or whatever rich girls do when they're stressed and frustrated. And all I wanted to do was slap some sense into her, there are people dying of hunger and she's going on about a dress. For a middle-school graduation.
Phoebe and Luke. I felt so sorry for that poor boy. Phoebe kisses him and then dumps him and says she doesn't like him, jut so her friends will think she is cool. Each time Phoebe says she's sorry, they literally kiss and make up. I wanted to keep screaming at Phoebe to stop worrying about what her friends will say and just make up or break up already! Thankfully, at the end, she made up her mind. And can I just say how lovely Luke was, he never doubted Phoebe even when she was a complete and utter brat towards him, she even impaled his arm with a fish hook and he took her back. That's love.
Phoebe and her friends. I don't know if any of you have ever read the book the Clique? I haven't either, but I've seen the movie (I know, I never watch the movies before I read the books, but I didn't know it was a book until I googled it! >.<) and the girls in this book reminded me a bit of them. Phoebe and her four other best friends weren't exactly mean girls, but they were "the popular group" and thought the world of themselves. At first, I didn't like Kirstyn she was a complete and utter brat and I must confess, in the back of my mind, I was like she's not a true friend, don't trust her etc. But when she revealed her lovely, true colours in the end I was completely and utterly relieved and I warmed up to her immediately. I won't say anything more as it would be quite spoiler-y, but what she did for Phoebe was really heart-warming and proved that Kirstyn was a true friend. Poor Phoebe felt very bad when she found out Kirstyn knew her secret and she was being very supportive and Phoebe had a complete lash out at her. O_o
So now you pretty much know why I couldn't stand Phoebe, but now I'm pretty sure you want to know why I gave it an extra star? Because guess what? PHOEBE HAD A COMPLETE CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION! YES! She did! I was so happy that the silly girl finally came to her senses, I think I actually had tears welling up in my eyes. They grow up so fast *wipes away tear* well, it was about time she did!
Phoebe was so amazing at the end of the book, I could've hugged her! She realised that she is lucky, not because she is pretty/popular/smart, but because she's surrounded by the most amazing people, amazing friends and amazing family. It took me by complete and utter surprise and I think its one of the best endings I've ever read in a book. So if you've been put off reading it...reconsider it. Look at it from a perspective that she was once a horrible, spoilt brat, but that throughout the novel she grows into a wonderful person. A selfless, kind, loving person.
This was a really enjoyable book, it contained an interesting plot that held my attention, realistic characters that had depth to that and who turned into lovely characters at the end. Lucky will hold your attention and teach you life lessons along the way. I wasn't loving this book but the ending was marvellous, I would read it if I were you. You will be delightfully surprised in the end.
I give it: 4/5 CUPCAKES!