How to Organise Your (Bookish) Life During Quarantine

I have a confession: I'm not finding quarantine as terrible as I thought I would. Prior to lockdown, I thought I would spend my days fretting and dwelling caught in a cycle of fear and anxiety. And boredom. I am an introvert, but even I have my limits of how long I can go being at home every day for several weeks. I thought cabin fever would've set in by now, but, *knocks on wood*, it seems to be going okay.

Some people (like me) might enjoy quarantine and experience it as a reset of sorts. The world is in a lull and for some we have more time on our hands to indulge in hobbies and get to things we had postponed for when we have the time to do it.

I've been organising things in my life: clearing out my wardrobe, unhauling books, getting rid of things I no longer need...however, I also thought now is a good time to organise things in my bookish life, be it IRL or things on the internet. I thought I'd compile a list of ways you might be able to organise things that bookish related!
  1. Cull Your Bookshelves
I did this a couple of months ago and it felt so good letting go of books that I would a) never read or b) never read again. There are a few books on my shelf that I'm kind of interested in reading but not really. I might either just donate it to charity store (once the lock-down has been lifted) or try to read them. Hey, I might like them.

  1. Cull Your (E)bookshelves
I did this awhile ago and it was so...uplifting. I got my Kindle when I was 13, and I downloaded a LOT of Kindle freebies in that time. There were so many books  that were clogging up my Kindle that I was never going to read. It took a long time, but it was worth it.

  1. Organise Your Kindle Books Into Categories
When I switched on my old Kindle the other day I saw pretty much all my books had been archived for some reason, including all my collections. It was such a mess, so I decided to organise it. Hopefully your Kindle didn't have a moment like mine did, but if it needs some organising, now is the time!

  1. Sort Out Your Bookstagram Pictures
I have so many shots of pretty much the same picture and I also have quite a few book/blogging folders that were a hot mess. If your computer is a little bit messy, it's good time to organise all those folders!
  1. Organise your Goodreads shelves
I did some of this awhile ago, but I still have quite a lot to do. As I've had my Goodreads for eight years, there are a lot of books there that my 13-year-old self would be dying to read but my 21-year-self isn't so keen on. I did clean up my my virtual shelves quite nicely...but there's still quite a lot to do.
  1. Review Who You're Following on Social Media
I did this a few months ago and it was so liberating. There were quite a few accounts I was following that a) were inactive b) had stopped posting content I'd originally followed them for. I was originally following 1,000+ accounts and I managed to cut it down to just over 500. Now I have feed that I actually want to see which is good!

It's the same with Twitter. There were so many inactive accounts I was following and quite a few accounts that were posting content that had morphed into that of a negative/toxic nature. It's 2020, you don't need that in your life.
  1. Tidy Your Blog (If You Have One!)
Whether it be by updating your review tab, your "about me" page, tidying your sidebars...see if there's anything you can do to make your blog more organised!

I hope you find this helpful and let me know if you decide to do any of these and how they go!

Have you been organising?