Realm of Read-along: April Read-along Choice!

Hi guys! As some of you may know, Emma from Never Judge a Book by It's Cover and I, Kyra, have created a read-a-long meme, where we choose a book to read together and then discuss the book once we have finished it! If you want to read-a-long a book with us you can become a member on our Goodreads group to keep track of our discussion posts and see what the other readers think. There will also be a Linky list available if you want to sign up to read the chosen book of the month.

We also created a Goodreads group, where we will keep track of the books we have read and also discuss what we thought of the books. There are a few members that would like to read-a-long with us and me and Emma will reveal which book was chosen for the April read-a-long! The sign-ups for the specific book will be up on Monday, where you will be able to put your name down if you want to read the book with us!

We placed a poll on the Goodreads group, and the members of the group voted which book they would like to read this out of these ten books:

The book for chosen for the April read-a-long isssssss *drumroll*:
Cinder by Marrisa Meyer

Taaa-dddaaaa! :D

For all those who haven't read Cinder, now you can! Read it. Discuss it. Fangirl. Fun!! :D *throws confetti and chocolate*

More information on the read-a-long will be posted this Monday.