Okay, you know how most book bloggers are addicted to Goodreads? Well, I'm one of them. I also love book clubs. So I combined those two of my favourite things and *drumroll please ;)*The Young Adult Book Lovers Association was born. I created it sometime in July but didn't give it much thought, but now I'm super excited to get it officially up and running. I would love it if you guys would become members, I'd really appreciate it! :)
I think we will start reading books from next month as it's almost the end of the month, so we might as well start in September, which is only 10 days away. (Wow, time has flow)
Also, here are some choices of books we can read next month:

Of course, you can vote if there is another book you would prefer to read. :) On the TYABLA there is a poll and you can vote which two books we should read for September.
Thank you !:)