Book Haul! 📚💖

I've had a good week. The weather has been lovely lately and I've been enjoying watching Wimbledon. I really want to start playing tennis now! 

I've been applying for jobs, doing biology, pilates, reading, and finally getting back into blogging. It feels good.

I have been quite good with not acquiring too many books lately. I've been showing restraint buying books AND I've been sticking to my library borrowing rule too (mostly...). I love doing book hauls though - I've missed them! 

I started listening to the Charlie Bone series via my library's audiobook selection and loved it! They only had the first three though, so I got the next two out from the library. These books were SO popular when I was 9/10 but I was never interested in reading them. Ah, silly fetus Kyra. They're so magical and fun!

I also got Beauty Sleep from the library. I read the author's other book, More of Me, and absolutely LOVED it. So excited to read this!

Lucy was kind enough to invite me to the book launch of her debut novel The Paper and Hearts Society. It was great getting to meet other book bloggers and booktubers, as well as see Lucy again! I had to buy a copy because I knew I would love it (and I did! Review coming soon 😉).

Thank you so much to Abrams & Chronicle for sending me this book to review! It sounds fantastic. #gifted

Queen of Ruin (Grace and Fury, #2)American RoyalsSea Witch Rising (Sea Witch #2)

SQUEE!!! Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publishers for sending me these e-arcs to review! I literally just finished Queen of Ruin and it was INCREDIBLE! The review will be up shortly. I'll also be posting an excerpt from Sea Witch Rising, as well as a review and interview with the author soon - keep your eyes open for it!

These are all the fabulous books I've acquired recently. I've already read a couple and had a great time doing so!

What books have you received recently? Have you read any of these?