I hope you guys are doing well!
I'm doing better. I had a bit of a dip with my anxiety again, but I'm feeling better now! The past week I've taken a lot of bookstagram pictures (I'm going to completely change my theme - I'M SO EXCITED). I also reorganised my bookshelves. It took me ages but I had an audiobook going, so I felt very productive afterwards!
Monday was a bank holiday and I met up with my one friend from book club. We browsed bookstores (I bought a Nicholas Sparks book, obviously) and then went and had hot chocolate and read!
I also can't believe we're practically halfway through May already?! CAN TIME SLOW DOWN?
This week I haven't got much planned. I'm participating in Bout of Books, so I want to read as much as possible. I also want to actually get involved in the challenges this time around as I never do.
I'm also currently working through some more maths textbooks and hoping to start a more complex one this week or the next. Yay, maths! (And that's not actually sarcasm. I've missed integrating!)
I also got into a conversation with an atheist the other day about the existence of God whether or not Christians can be scientists. Being a Christian who is going to study astrophysics, I explained that the two aren't mutually exclusive It propelled me to start reading more apologetics books.
Happy Girl Lucky -⭐⭐⭐| China Rich Girlfriend - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ | The Wicked King - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I had a pretty good reading week! I read Happy Girl Lucky, but I didn't love it as much as I hoped. It was very juvenile and the character frustrated me so much.
I also listened to the audiobook of China Rich Girlfriend. It was much better than the first book. It was fun and dramatic and I really enjoyed it!
The Wicked King was FREAKING AMAZING! I couldn't put it down and I definitely didn't want it to be over. With The Cruel Prince, I found the first half of the book quite boring which brought down my rating quite a lot. That wasn't the case with The Wicked King - I was completely gripped the whole way through. AND THAT ENDING!! AH!!!
I'm currently reading Temeraire and really enjoying it! There are 9 books in the series - have any of you guys read the whole series? It's a biiiig commitment, but I've been wanting a long fantasy series!
I'm also reading Can Science Explain Everything? and I can't put it down. My friend loaned me it and it's SO good. It's written by an Oxford mathematician who covers so many amazing topics on science and religion. If you're a Christian who wants to be better prepared when asked questions about your faith, or if you're someone who is interested in seeing if science has disproved Christianity then read this book. It's truly amazing.
I'M SO EXCITED. As I'm participating in Bout of Books, I want to get quite a few read!
What books did you read last week? Have you read any of these?