Hello, dearest chums.
I've been really good this year by not buying a lot of books. However, I saw some books for a really good price and...well, you can't say no to that, can you?
This week has been very relaxed, which is nice. After the stress of last month, I'm grateful that I can take a breather. I had a telephone interview for a job, but I didn't get it, sadly. However, I have hopefully got a new student to tutor, so I'll hold thumbs for that.
My mom was also sick with the stomach flu, so I hope I don't get it. That would not be fun.
I've also planned my blog posts for this month (ORGANISATION) and I've spent some time scheduling posts. My blogging took a dive last month, but I seem to be back on my feet. YAY. I forgot how fun it is writing several posts in a row and then the sweet feeling of scheduling them all. It's great.
I've also been listening to audiobooks this month, which is a new experience for me. At first I wasn't too keen on it, but now I'm getting into it and really enjoying it. YAY again!
I have been so good at sticking to my "one library book a month" rule. However, in a moment of weakness, I reserved Awake in the World and The Everlasting Rose. I've been wanting to read them for ages...so I may have broken my own rule. BUT ASIDE FROM THAT, I'm doing really well.
When I saw City of Brass sitting on the shelf, I simply had to check it out. I've heard such good things about it. I've been craving a thick fantasy novel, so I really hope I love this. Also: super pretty.
Awake in the World sounds right up my alley. The female protagonist wants to study astronomy at an Ivy League university. Me, an aspiring astrophysicist, will most likely relate to her. The male protagonist and love interest wants to study art. Me, who loves art, can relate to him. IT'S GOING TO BE A FUN TIME. Also, their names are Zac and Vanessa. So no prizes for guessing who I'll be picturing the characters as.

I'm also very excited to read The Everlasting Rose. I absolutely adored The Belles, so I'm hoping I love the sequel just as much.
I read Shatter Me and Unravel Me in March and I LOVED THEM SO MUCH. I did have the sequels out from the library, but I wanted my own copies. The Works had the boxset available for £10...I couldn't say no to that, right?
The one day I was browsing TkMaxx and I saw the Selection series in the clearance section. It was only £2.50. Yes, I'm aware not a lot of people love it. I'm aware that it's not going to win any prizes for best written series, but they seem like fun reads. They're also super pretty. So...I bought them. 😀
SQUEEE!!! I'm so, so excited to read Lucy's book. Lucy was one of my first blogging friends and I'm so, so incredibly proud of how far she has come. This book sounds perfect for book-lovers - I'm so excited to read it! When I got accepted for Sarah Dessen's new book and Skyward, I may have shrieked. I'm so excited to read them!
When I got this in the mail from Hodderscape, I literally shrieked. I loved Legendary and I'm so excited to see what happens in the final book. I'll probably start this next week - I HOPE I LOVE IT. 💖
Have you read any of these? What did you think? Which book do you think I should read first?