I hope you guys are doing well.
This past week has been so busy but really lovely! I had book club and we had biscuits and sweets. We also got two books each as a present, due to it being my book club's birthday! IT WAS SUCH FUN. I also hosted a table at my church's international cafe which I was nervous about, but it ended up being really enjoyable. We got to speak about our different cultures, share a meal, get to know one another - I loved it.
I've also been hardcore plotting my novel this past week! My plan has 2400+ words so far, which I'm really happy about. I've never plotted so intensely before, and I'm much preferring it to just jumping headfirst into writing a book, like I've done in the past. I'm really looking forward to participating in Camp NaNoWriMo next month and hopefully getting quite a bit written! I'd LOVE to finish my first draft next month, but I'm not sure if that will happen. I guess it depends how much plotting I get done this month.
I haven't managed to read much lately, but I'm hoping to get a bit more reading done this week! I'M 3 BOOKS BEHIND SCHEDULE. How did that happen?! I was doing so well. 😑 I also have to start doing more maths in preparation for my university interview next month, which I'm quite nervous about. Hopefully it will go well!
I only read 1 book last week, and I LOVED IT.
🌼 Warcross- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This book was absolutely incredible. The characters were characters. The world-building, plot, romance and writing was incredible too. I ADORED this book and I can't wait to read the next one!
I'm currently reading American Panda by Gloria Chao and it's really cute! The main character is so awkward and adorable. It's really funny and it's a very sweet book. There are some things that are preventing me from fully loving it, but it's proven to be an enjoyable read so far!
I want to get these two arcs read this month! I'm hoping I can finish them both in the next three days (WISHFUL THINKING HAHA). They both sound so amazing - I can't wait to read them both!
What books are you hoping to read this week?