Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic (alliteration much?) is "Top Ten Favourite Book Couples" and instead of featuring 10 of my favourite book couples, I’m going to feature 20! Yesterday was my 20th birthday and I thought I’d feature a couple of “top 20” posts this week in celebration of that.
So, behold, 20 adorable YA couples that gave me ALLLLL the feels!
1. Ross and Marin from Pacifica by Kristen Simmons
I read this book last month and LOVED ITTTT. Ross and Marin are literally the cutest; I found myself squealing several times over how cute they are. Ross is wealthy and the president’s son. He is loyal, caring, determined and an amazing person who I LOVE. Marin is an adventurous, courageous pirate’s daughter who may seem tough on the outside but is actually a Cinnamon Roll™️ that just wants to be loved. They both teach each other and love each other and just complement one another PERFECTLY. 

2. Cormak and Vesper from Light Years by Kass Morgan
OH, THESE TWO. Cormak ends up getting the pilot position which is the only thing Vesper has been working towards. Naturally, Vesper is furious. Naturally, Cormak laughs it off. Naturally, their rivalry turns to love and naturally, this had me yelling “I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP”.

3. Gifford and Jane from My Lady Jane by Jodi Meadows, Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton
I LOVE THESE TWO. They go from being forced into marriage and holding mutual dislike/indifference for one another, to becoming friends, to becoming something more!! I absolutely loved their banter, how they supported one another and the brilliant dynamics between them. SO CUTE.
4. Emma and Mr. Knightley from Emma by Jane Austen
4. Emma and Mr. Knightley from Emma by Jane Austen
THIS WAS SO CUTE. Emma is meddling, mischievous, naive yet gets away from it due to her charm and innocence. Mr. Knigtley is the only one who will set her straight. He’s honest and kind and doesn’t over-indulge her. Their relationship was so subtle but so apparent simultaneously - I LOVED THEM.
5. Lena and Sebastian from If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
FRIENDS TO LOVERS. I’ve sold it, haven’t I? This is probably my favourite romantic trope, and this one was done SO well. Sebastian and Lena have been friends forever. They care about each other, can talk for hours, flirt and then deny they like each other - IT WAS PERFECT. I loved it.
6. Clark and Andy from The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
THIS BOOK. THIS ROMANCE. I felt ALL THE FEELINGS when reading The Unexpected Everything. Clark and Andy were so real. Clark was the sweetest marshmallow and Andy was a motivated, determined girl. I loved how they were awkward with one another, then got to know each other, and then had such an amazing relationship. SO GOOD.
7. Ronnie and Will from The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
How can this not be on the list? They are so incredibly cute together. I loved how their relationship developed, and I loved how genuine it was. Also THAT ENDING HAD ME CRRYYYINGGG.
8. Colin and Maria from See Me by Nicholas Sparks
My first Nicholas Sparks book I ever read! I LOVEEEED this book. Colin and Maria individually are both amazing characters, but I also loved how they were together. They were honest, protective, loyal and completely open with one another. I shipped them a whole lot.

9. Ruby and Arcus from Frostblood by Elly Blake
This book was so much fun to read, and I need to read the rest of the trilogy! I LOVED Ruby and Arcus. They went from hate-to-love (another favourite trope of mine). They made sarcastic comments, had training sessions where they constantly sniped at one another and then shared personal anecdotes that made them start liking one another. They were honestly so cute. I loved them.
10. Finn and Petey from Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
I love this book SO, SO, SO much...I think it might be my favourite book ever. Finn and Petey are such an amazing couple. A lost boy and a lonely girl who complete one another and understand one another. I LOVED THEM SO MUCH.

11. Rosa and Sean from Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
Rosa and Sean’s relationship was so gentle and caring, tender and quiet. They expressed the abundance of their love in quiet, subtle ways. I loved it so much.
12. Nik and Hannah from Gemina by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman
I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH. Nik had this “tough guy” image but he was SO SWEET. Hannah had this pampered princess image but was so intelligent and sassy and brave. They complemented one another so well. I shipped them from the first page. It’s great.
13. Percy and Annabeth from Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan
My 12-year-old self was shipping these two before I even knew that I was shipping them. I love how loyal and dedicated they are to one another. I love all their sass and banter. I just love how amazing their relationship is. 

14. Jo and Eddie from These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly
I never read mystery thrillers, so I wasn’t expecting to love this book. Boy, did I love it. Jo and Eddie were such incredible characters and THEIR RELATIONSHIP. Thy showed genuine care and love for one another. There was banter, loyalty, and complete respect. He treated her like an equal, listened to her and let him accompany her in a time when women were supposed to be quiet and stay at home. He’s amazing. She’s amazing. Everything’s amazing.
15. West and Haley from Take Me On by Katie McGarry
As I type this, I actually bought my own copy of this book today! I read my friend’s copy 4 years ago, so I’m super happy to have my own copy!! Segway aside, I LOVED West and Haley. Their relationship was honestly so amazing. Loving, genuine...JUST READ IT OKAY.

16. Beth and Ryan from Dare Me To by Katie McGarry
THESE TWO WERE AMAZING. The romance was slow burn and filled with trust and love. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.
17. Mia and Adam from If I Stay & Where She Went by Gayle Forman
THESE TWO. I loved their relationship. Although I read it quite awhile ago, I remember how I loved Where She Went even more than If I Stay. Their relationship was so raw, genuine and just breathtaking. I loved it so much.
18. Beatriz and Pete from All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater
I LOVED THESE TWO. They were just so perfect for one another. Pete is quiet and hard-working, honest and kind. Beatriz is superbly intelligent, thoughtful and complex. They brought out the best in each other. I LOVE MY SQUISHIES. 

19. Tris and Four from Divergent by Veronica Roth
I think Tris and Four were one of the first YA couples I truly shipped. I loved their relationship and I loved them together. I’m not going to think about them anymore otherwise I mIGHT JUST CRy.
20. Will and Tessa from The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
DO I NEED TO SAY ANYMORE?! Will and Tessa were just so completely perfect for one another.
I read this trilogy 5-6 years ago, and I desperately need to reread it. Their relationship was so amazing. 

Are any of these your OTPs?!