I've pondered this question a lot recently, and I've reached a conclusion: I'm not happy with my blog, and I
haven't felt happy with my blog for quite awhile.
I haven't felt as if I've
been producing quality content, and I haven't felt super proud about
the stuff I've been posting. I think maybe some of that has stemmed
from me not knowing what
to post anymore; I've nearly been blogging for six
years (oh help, I feel old), which could explain my lack of inspiration. I
feel like I've run out of bookish discussion posts and most posts
(besides reviews) I put out, I feel like it's something that's been
said before. I think this has contributed to my decline in motivation to post, because I feel like I have nothing new to bring to the table. My blog has felt stagnant, and my blogging identity confused. I've been wanting to post, but I've been struggling to come up with bookish things to post. I have no idea what to post about, but I know that I don't want to stop blogging. I've been producing posts somewhat sporadically, when I want to post steadily, with a proper schedule.
I've been struggling with what content to post for
awhile and how often to post...but then, in November, I had somewhat of an epiphany. Six years ago,
blogging and reading were my sole hobbies: I lived and breathed it.
However, when you're eighteen, your life looks a lot different to how
it looked at thirteen; because of that, my interests have grown
throughout the years. Especially these last few months. Like, I'm
really getting into my Bible study and trying to live more like Jesus – that's
going to start filtering into my blog posts. Another
thing I'm really going to be doing a lot of the next few months is
studying, so I'm planning on doing a revision/study
series on my blog. I'm
also working on my book, so there'll be more writing
I've realised I've been so focused on keeping this solely a book blog when I have developed so many other interests that I'd also love to write about. I've decided I'm going to start including more of my other interests in my posts. I've got a whole series of stuff that I'm so excited about, post that I can't wait to write!
just wanted to let you guys know that although this is still
primarily a book blog, I'm going to start posting more about other
areas of my life and other things I'm interested in. There are going
to be:
- Christian/Bible study posts
- Revision posts
- Writing posts
- Personal posts
- (and a whole lot of book posts, don't you worry)
feel as if I haven't been blogging how I want to. Instead, I've been
blogging how I think a book blogger should be blogging (does that
make sense)? I'm so happy I've finally realised what I want to blog about and what I want Blog of a Bookaholic to be. I'm not sure if I'll be able to have a proper blogging schedule, as the first half of 2018 is going to be super busy. But I'll try.
I'm excited to bring you new content in 2018.