Hello, Autumn...here are the books I'm hoping to get to as the leaves turn orange, the air gets chilly and hot chocolate becomes my staple drink
It's quite funny, autumn used to be my most dreaded month, but the past two years I've fallen in love with it. The chill in the air, the cosy blankets and the knitted sweaters, the hot chocolate and the blazing leaves, the feeling that there's something magical in the air...it's truly a wonderful season and I'm so excited for it!
In autumn, I wave goodbye to contemporary books that are my main source of literature in the warmer months and I turn to fantasy, science fiction, classics and an odd thriller here and there. There's something to utterly wonderful about sitting in front of a fire with hot chocolate in hand and reading a fantasy or a dystopia as the rain patters and the leaves fall. It makes me so happy, DOESN'T IT MAKE YOU SO HAPPY?! I'm already beginning to plan my autumn Instagram feed and I am excited, y'all.
In my autumn TBR, there will be seven e-arcs I'm hoping to get to this autumn, seven review copies, seven of the library books I currently have out and seven books I've bought that are occupying my shelf, waiting to be read. I'm so excited to fall in love with these stories and whittle down my TBR pile in the process!
Once I've finished my two current reads, I'm going to dive into the Steelheart trilogy. I've been meaning to read these for awhile and I feel like now is the perfect time to. It's got Epics, ruthless humans with extraordinary powers, shadowy groups, and revenge – doesn't that sound like the perfect autumn, halloween kind of read?
I've been going to my library for a year and only recently has my library finally acquired all the books in the Graceling trilogy. This fantasy series sounds absolutely incredible, so unique and I'm beyond excited to marathon these books as soon as I'm done reading Steelheart!

I've heard a lot of good things about Scythe (I think I first heard about Scythe on Shannon's blog, It Starts at Midnight) and it wasn't a book I was going to read, initially, but the reviews are great and it has such a unique concept, how could I not read it? I've heard it also raises a lot of important questions about life, death, and humanity. It looks dark and unlike anything I've read before so I'm hoping I'll love this!
AH I'M SO EXCITED TO READ THESE. Alma Publishers sent me a gorgeous edition of Anne of Green Gables and I'm so excited to read it! It will be my third time reading it, but this will be the first time reading from my own copy and it's the first copy of it I've ever owned! I've also had Dracula on my physical TBR since last year and I MUST get to it this autumn. I'll probably read this in the last week of October because it's probably the perfect time to read it, right?
Penguin sent me a gorgeous copy of I Capture the Castle this week and I'm so excited to read it! As soon as I've finished the Steelheart and Graceling trilogy, you can bet I'm going to read that afterward!
When Harper Collins contacted me to review The Treatment, I jumped at the chance! I don't usually read thrillers but this sounds SO GOOD. A "school" that's brainwashing their pupils and a girl infiltrating the academy to discover all its dark secrets? DOES THAT NOT SOUND LIKE THE PERFECT AUTUMN READ?!
I GOT A COPY OF IT ONLY HAPPENS IN THE MOVIES AND I'M DYING OF EXCITEMENT. Holly Bourne is one of my all-time favourite authors and I can't wait to read her latest book. It sounds incredible and I'm 99.9% sure I'm going to love it!
The Murderer's Ape sounds so intriguing and it's also an utterly BEAUTIFUL book. It sounds adorable and heartwarming and I'M READY FOR IT.
I also want to finish the Darkmouth series this autumn! I absolutely LOVED the first book, so I'll definitely try to power my way through the next three books. Name a more perfect time to read about monsters than in the autumn period, I dare you.
Invictus sounds so fascinating and I may have squealed super loudly. It's got time-travelling in, black market time travelling expeditions, a heist on board the Titanic...it sounds fascinating and I NEED TO READ IT NOW.
I found out that the author of This Mortal Coil is an astrophysicist?! SHE'S MY NEW INSPIRATION. I want to be an astrophysicist and publish a YA book at some point, so thank you, author, for inspiring me! This Mortal Coil features a female coder/hacker (YAY for female characters interested in coding/STEM subjects), a plague that has caused humanity to become nearly extinct, shadowy organisations, kidnapped fathers and many lies and secrets. IT SOUNDS EPIC AND I'M SO READY.
I Am Traitor has alien invasions and pipes that suck people up into the alien world, leaving them to face a devastating landscape. The main character has to fight the alien species and try to save the government and the world, basically. ALIEN INVASIONS ARE ALWAYS FUN (to read about, that is).
I absolutely loved The One Memory of Flora Banks so I'm SUPER excited to read Emily Barr's new novel! The main character's lives a life envied by many but then her whole life turns out to be a lie, leading her to run away in order to find out who she really is and where she really comes from and AH IT JUST SOUNDS SO AMAZING.
Undercover Princess sounds so cute! I absolutely adore books that have a fairy telling theme and books that have princesses, politics and glamorous parties. This sounds so adorable and I'm so excited to read it!
GUYS GUYS GUYS, I'M SO STOKED FOR THIS BOOK!!! It's got two female main characters. One has an anxiety disorder #relatable and the other one has ADHD. They're both into gaming and they're both thrown together for a year-long science project! Science, gaming, mental health rep...what more could you ask for?!
Yes, that is correct, I still haven't read City of Heavenly Fire, something my best friend chides me for. I NEED to finish this series this year, IT'S GETTING RIDICULOUS NOW.
Rick Riordan has brought out so many books and I'm so behind on pretty much all of them. The Trials of Apollo sounds so incredible and I absolutely adore Rick Riordan's books so I'm REALLY EXCITED to get to these!
A Court of Mist and Fury is a book that I feel as if everyone has read...except for me. I have read the first book and I really enjoyed it at the time, as time has passed I realised it didn't leave such a lasting impression on me and I didn't love it as much as I thought I would. I'm hoping to marathon this trilogy during the October holidays or the December holidays!
I bought this book from my library's sale and after flicking through it, I'm pretty sure I'm going to love this book. It also has super high ratings on Goodreads which I find quite rare for a lot of paranormal romances! It also has werewolves in and I've read practically no werewolf books! YAY, MUCH EXCITEMENT.
My friend bought me this beautiful new edition of A Brief History of Time for my birthday and, as I'm trying to read more physics books, I definitely want to get to this as soon as possible. It's one of the most iconic physics books I'm not particularly sure why I haven't read it yet.
I've been meaning to read this book for ages after a) one of my best friends loving it and b) watching the trailer for the movie (which looks so good). My other friend's mom said to me the other day that it's one of the best books she's ever read, so THE HYPE IS REAL, people. I hope I love it. I really, really want to love it.
These are the books that I'm hoping to get to this autumn! I'm so excited to read them! Have you read any of these? What did you think? Are there any of these you think that I should prioritise?