Hello everyone!
I hope you've all had a wonderful week and if not, here's a cute puppy gif to cheer you up!

I've had a pretty uneventful week, but I did get braces on Thursday which I was terrified about as I generally get pretty bad panic attacks when I have to go to a doctor/dentist/orthodontist but I managed to sit through a 2 hour appointment with no panic attacks. I just kept praying and I was almost completely calm - thank you, Jesus!
I'm on my third day with braces and I haven't had that much pain - I've even been eating solids. WHAT IS THIS LIFE?! I was utterly terrified that it was going to really hurt because everyone was telling me how painful braces were and they couldn't eat solid foods for a week and I was convinced I was going to die, basically, but everything turned out okay. Also, I got the clear/ceramic braces so it doesn't look too bad either! YAY!

This week was also an excellent week for books - I received a parcel almost every day this week! Thank you so much to all the publishers who were kind enough to send me copies! I also went to the bookshop and bought some books because I thought I deserved to treat myself after being in a dentist chair for 2 hours without wanting to run out of the room.
SO! Without further adieu, let's see what I got this week!
When I got an email about Dear Charlie and The Wild Girl of Pride and Prejudice I immediately requested them. The former sounds utterly heart-wrenching as it's about a boy whose brother was the shooter in a school shooting and killed 16 people, himself included. It sounds so sad but I think it's important to discuss things like that. The second sounds so charming, it's about one of the Bennett sisters from Pride and Prejudice and it sounds adorable. I'll be reading these within the next two weeks or so!
Then this morning while I was waiting for my sketching set to arrive, I instead received a silver package from Hodder & Stoughton...to say I freaked out is an utter understatement. I emailed them asking about Frostblood which I was highly interested in and I was so shocked and SO HAPPY when they sent me it! I honestly wasn't expecting it!
I also got a copy of Fallout by Gwenda Bond which sounds amazing and I'm SO EXCITED to read it. A teenage Lois Lane...yes, please!
3 books for £3 - not too bad! One of my friends loves the Fallen series so when I saw it for just over £1 I was like OKAY THEN. I got The School For Good and Evil at my library but it's a book I've been wanting for my shelf so when I saw it at a charity shop for 80p I may have squealed slightly too loudly. After my orthodontist appointment we popped into another charity shop and when I saw The Miniaturist I was like YAS (I've been wanting to read it forever) and my dad was like YAS and my mom was like YAS...turns out we've all been wanting to read it!
I then went to my favourite second-hand bookstore today and guys, I GOT A HARDCOVER FOR £2. I GOT AN EPIC SPACE BOOK FOR £3. EXCUSE ME WHILE I FLAIL COPIOUSLY.

I bought Universe for only £3! I've started reading it and it's probably one of the best space books I've ever read. There's information and lots of pictures. SCORE.
The next book I think I'm even more excited for (I LITERALLY FEEL LIKE I'M GOING TO EXPLODE WITH EXCITEMENT). I've been wanting to read it since it first started circling around the blogosphere and when I saw it in the sci-fi/fantasy section where I barely ever look as I tend to stick to the YA section (I've now come to realise that this bookshop doesn't put all YA books in the YA section. Hmph.) I THEN SAW THIS BOOK AND I WAS LIKE NO FREAKING WAY AND IT WAS HARDCOVER AND ONLY £2 AND MY DAY WAS MADE.
£2!!! England, even though you rain too much, I can forgive you because you have fantastic bookstores.
So let's chat: Have you ever had braces? Did they hurt? Have you read any of these books? Do you want to read any of them? CAN YOU FLAIL ABOUT TRUTHWITCH WITH ME?!