I went to the library for one book and I came out with six.

I know, I am an utter rebel that must be stopped, but they were sitting there all lonely and I couldn't say no to them, now could I? I probably could but shh, we won't speak of other possibilities. Books are friends! One mustn't ignore friends, that would be terribly rude. I went into the library specifically to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which I am NOT PREPARED TO READ, I've put off reading the final book for so long because I just don't want there to not be another Harry Potter book waiting for me, you feel? Unfortunately I know most of what's going to happen but I'm pretty sure I'll be a sobbing mess nonetheless. TISSUES AND CHOCOLATE? I think yes.
Another book I was so excited to see on the shelves was All the Rage which I've been wanting to read since I first heard about it. I rarely read gritty books but it deals with such an important topic that I think it's necessary to read it. I also checked out a copy of The Serpent King as Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner and Emily from Loony Literate absolutely raved about it so I couldn't not take it! I also checked out The first two books in The School for Good and Evil series which I actually checked out previously and didn't get around to reading it BUT THIS TIME I SHALL. Hopefully. I also got out The Bone Queen which I don't know much about and I took it out on impulse because it seemed like an interesting fantasy read so hopefully I'll enjoy that!
I'm really looking forward to reading all of these! Which one should I read first? Have you read any of these? What book did you haul this week that you're most excited for?!