The “I've created another TBR mountain in the space of 2 months and help I've been crushed by all the books but it's totally worth it” Edition
Happy Saturday! I hope you guys have all had a great week!
I was scrolling through my blog posts to see when last I did a
Stacking the Shelves I was flabbergasted (nice word that,
flabbergasted) to see my last book haul was two months
ago. I've kind of been buying a lot of books lately (we'll
blame it on my exams, they're a good scapegoat) but I didn't
realise how many until I took all my new books off
the shelf and tried arranging them into something that was vaguely
photogenic and aesthetically pleasing. I've accumulated 31 books in
the past 2 months (good grief, a book buying ban is most certainly
required) and I'm super excited to read all of them!

purchased most of these books (Ebay and charity stores are the best!)
for such a good price! I got the entire Sherlock collection for only £5 (!!!). I read snippets of the books online and I thought they
sounded fantastic so I knew I had to read them. I also saw the most
stunning editions of a few classics (pictured below) for only £2 each
so I couldn't say no! I've been meaning to read more classics so I'll
definitely be reading them shortly.

I also bought All the Light We Cannot See (which I've heard is excellent), The Complete Songs, Poems
and Sonnets of Shakespeare, When God was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman, Tuesdays with Morrieby Mitch Albom, Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith, The Keeper by David Baldacci, I'd Tell You I Love You but then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter,
Stormswept by Helen Dunmore and The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson!
was also lucky enough to be sent the complete Splintered series by A.G. Howard (thank you Abrams & Chronicle!) which I'm SO EXCITED
to read. I also received Unrivalled by Alyson Noel and The Hawkweed Prophecy by Irena Brignull!

I'm super excited to read ALL OF THESE!!! Which book should I read first? Have you read any of these? Did you enjoy them or not? Let me know! If you did a book haul post this week - leave the link in the comments so I can check it out!