Guess who's no longer sixteen?! MEEE!!! I turned 17 last Thursday and I had such a wonderful day filled with books and friends and cake and it was marvelous. I always love having a birthday because I feel like a princess and isn't that one of the best ways to feel?!
I think yes.
Because of that I have quite a big haul today as my parents and friends bought me books (THANK YOU SO MUCH) and then I went to the library and although I exercised self-control the last time I went, this time...I didn't.
My 17th Birthday Book Haul!

LOOK HOW PRETTY THEY ARE. I'm super, super happy with all the books I was so kindly given. Once I finish my library books I'm going to hole myself up in my room for a week and devour these wonders.
I'm especially excited for The Bane Chronicles which I've been wanting since I heard it was going to be released, Rebel of the Sands because it's a Middle Eastern fantasy which just sounds phenomenal, Looking for Alaska as I'm on a John Green kick at the moment, Throne of Glass because I've heard nothing but good things about the series and after reading A Court of Thorns and Roses I'm ecstatic to see what else Maas has written. To All the Boys I've Loved Before as Jenny Han wrote the Summer trilogy which is one of my all-time favorites, Rogue because TALON WAS FREAKING AMAZING and Tuesdays with Morrie because I read a blog post praising this author and it does sound like a fantastic book. When we popped into a few second hand bookshops I also saw When God Was a Rabbit and Sense of Sensibility, both books I'm curious about. An Abundance of Katherines is also in that pile but I bought that a few weeks back and thought I would include it! Super excited to read that, too.
Library Books:
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth | Transparent by Natalie Whipple | Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine | White Cat by Holly Black | She is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick | The School of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani | A World Without Princes by Soman Chainani | Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black | Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly | How Not to Disappear by Clare Furniss | All Wrapped Up by Holly Smale | Sky on Fire by Emmy Laybourne
Review Books:
It's quite funny, I actually saw More of Me on Instagram and I was like, holy flip this book looks amazing! And then a couple of weeks later I got it to review. YAY!
I also got Radio Silence by Alice Oseman which I think is going to be phenomenal!
SO TELL ME! What books have you recently added to your TBR pile? Have you read any of these? Would you like to read any of these? Which one should I read first?!