Bout of Books 11.0 - Day 2 Update!

Bout of Books

Hi guys! Hope you are all having a wonderful bookish week so far! Unfortunately, Tuesday wasn't as good a day as Monday because I had a lot of things to do, but I'm hoping that today will be better!

My goals for the readathon were to:
  1. Read 3 books
  2. Read at least 500 pages
  3. Comment on at least five different update posts
  4. Participate in one or more of the challenges
I can gladly say that I have almost finished my second book, I've surpassed 500 pages, I commented on quite a few update posts yesterday and I've participated in one of the challenges! YAY ME FOR BEING PRODUCTIVE!

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Number of pages read today: 307
Number of books read today: 1
Number of pages read in total: 307
Number of books read in total: 1

Number of pages read today: 253 
Number of books read today: 0, but I almost read a whole book!
Number of pages read in total: 560
Number of books read in total: 1